Altimo 700w Microwave 20L Capacity

Altimo 700w Microwave 20L Capacity

BRAND NEW: Altimo 700w Microwave 20L Capacity

Available to New and Existing Customers

Rent for £1.80 per week Apply Now Check your postcode
  • Delivery Time

    The delivery time for this item is normally 3-5 days

  • Free Delivery

    This item will be delivered free-of-charge by staff with the time to handle with care

  • Free Installation

    This item will be installed free-of-charge by qualified and professional staff

  • Free Repairs

    Free repairs are included with this item, in-house when possible, for the duration of the rental period

Useful Information

Stock Notice
The brands offered at the time of order are stock dependant, which means that some product specifications may vary slightly.

How do I apply?
Simply press the "Apply Now" button above to be redirected to the corresponding page on our partner's website.

What happens once I've applied?
Our partner will call you back, usually within 24-48 hours, to complete the application process.  Please feel free to check with them which brands are available or any of the product specifications before proceeding with your order.

Can I pay weekly or monthly?
Available on pay weekly, pay fortnightly or pay monthly schedules to suit your needs.

Is there a deposit to pay?
One month's rental and a one-off £10 administration fee are payable on the day of delivery or over the phone (depending on product). Payment can be made in cash or by debit or credit card.